It mostly happens off-screen, but is still full of UST. Doppler patching up the injured Captain Amelia. After-Action Patch-Up: Gender Flipped with Dr.Affectionate Nickname: Silver takes to calling Jim "Jimbo", even after revealing his true colors towards him.In this movie, Flint is stated to be an ancient pirate from a distant past, and John Silver is simply a present-day pirate who spent his entire life seeking the fabled treasure. Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: In the original Treasure Island, the late Captain Flint was still within living memory for many people, with John Silver being one of his crewmembers during his heyday.Thus, his death carries considerably more weight with our secondary protagonists than his book counterpart's did. Arrow goes from being The Alcoholic to an honorable, by-the-book Drill Sergeant Nasty whose nastiness is directed toward the treacherous crew. Arrow here, as that murder is done by Scroop instead. Silver is a bit nicer here than in the book: he keeps his charm and intelligence, but he saves Jim here purely because he wants to do so, not because he also needs him as leverage.She has to sit most of the third act out as she's injured, but until then, she's very capable of taking charge of the ship during its descent into a black hole and is more than prepared to fight back against the pirates with her handgun. Action Girl: Captain Amelia as a Lady of War.
Jim has apparently violated a particular law about hoverboarding often enough that, when the robotic constables who are bringing him home forget what number the law has attached to it, he is able to finish the number from memory. Acquainted with Emergency Services: Implied.Doppler claims that he intended this, but his shock implies either that he's lying or that he had no belief he could actually make the shot. Accidental Aiming Skills: While being pursued by pirates, Doppler nervously fires off a pistol at the ceiling and sends some hanging equipment crashing down on the pirates.